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I really don’t give a fuck about Madeline June 12, 2007

Posted by krisN in Happenings, Rants, Thoughts.

I was talking about this earlier today because the village where I live has posters up about her disappearance, however long ago it was. This kinda pisses me off on a few different levels.

  1. I seem to remember at the beginning of this whole media frenzy it was mentioned that she had been left alone whilst the parents were having a meal. Woah, wait a minute right there! The parents just went off and had a meal whilst they left their four year old alone in the hotel room? Right from that minute I felt it would be very difficult to feel sympathy for these parents. I still feel that way now.
  2. Shit happens all the fucking time, there really is no reason whatsoever why this particular case deserves so much attention, along with all the other stuff the parents have gotten out of it (I can’t really give examples other than a visit to the Pope but since they got that I think they probably got more).
  3. Since they going and visiting the Pope, who can do fuck all about finding their daughter, I can’t really come to any other conclusion other than they are enjoying the attention from the media and the apparent privileges that come from that. I personally find that sickening.
  4. I’m generally quite apathetic to the suffering of individuals unless I know them. You might think this as harsh but I more see it this way: I can’t be sympathetic to all the bad shit going on for the millions of people I don’t know, at least if I care about none of them I’m not discriminating. Worrying about individuals in such a manner doesn’t do anything, I can’t help them but maybe I can make a difference in general such as helping to end poverty and improving education. The people around me maybe I can help so they are the only people worth devoting my energy to, not because they are “better people” but because they are people I personally know and care about and more primarily I can actually maybe do something to help.

Ultimately this pretty young white girl thing just pisses me off. The media will keep it up until more people change their attitude and see how much bullshit it is.


1. chrish6 - July 17, 2007

I don’t think she exists, its just a lie to make us feel sad and get the parent loads of money plus privileges! Or it was a ploy by the government to encourage recycling by using more paper than normal on the posters everywhere (I saw a few in Italy), hmm that MUST be the answer!

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